• Massage

    The bulk of the session will be dedicated to massage, derived from a combination of techniques from EquissageCa and The Northwest School of Animal Massage. Depending on the horse’s needs the massage will address pre/post show muscular issues, releasing tension, increasing circulation, rehabilitation from injury, reducing stress and anxiety, supporting the immune system, and improving flexibility. Stretching would also be incorporated in this section as well.

  • Craniosacral Therapy

    Craniosacral therapy is a bodywork technique that addresses the horse’s craniosacral rhythm. This rhythm is similar to the heartbeat, but rather than blood that is pumped by the heart, it is the Cerebral Spinal Fluid that is pumped through the spine and skull. By influencing this rhythm using a gentle, non-invasive technique, we can encourage the horse to “unwind” and release their fascia, thus allowing the adjustments and treatments from their massage to last longer.

    Cranial bone alignment can also be influenced. Areas of misalignment will be identified and addressed, which can help with issues such as headaches (yes, horses can get headaches!) and lack of concentration, to problems with proprioception and irritability.

  • Equi-Tape

    Equi-Tape is specialty kinesiology tape made specifically for horses. Used for everything from performance support to therapeutic healing, this tool helps support the body's natural healing processes and optimizes performance. Applications are often used to address soft tissue injuries, support musculosketel structures, prevent injuries, and benefit the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems.

    Equi-Tape applications are an added $10 fee.